First, the automatic door stop operation solution
1, check whether the correct power supply Unicom, whether loose, plug in the power supply.
2, check whether the moving door leaf mopping phenomenon, if there is such a phenomenon, the door is difficult to start, the main controller will mistakenly think of obstacles and operation protection, so that the door leaves stop running.
3, check the door of the spreader pulley part is not from the track off, if there is this phenomenon, the unit will not move; generally occurred after the collision of people (objects) and door, often appear this fault.
4, please note that automatic door sensor is installed "safe" light, because of safety light by light is covered with ash will lead to malfunction, the automatic door control mistaken for objects in the door, closed to stop the real
Two 、 automatic door non-stop switch solution
1, there may be moving objects into the sensor induction range, such as pedestrians, vehicles, small animals, potted and other things shaking, and even the reflection of strong light may cause sensor misoperation.
2, check to see if the sensing probe, detection range of sensor adjustment too down, caused when the door leaf is closed, and the doors of induction to the mobile sensor, sensor device mistakenly believe that an object is moving, and the door opened again.
3, detailed inspection, to see whether the automatic induction door nearby objects emit strong waves, because strong waves may also cause inductors to be disturbed, and resulting in misoperation.
4, check the beam on the stainless steel cover whether there is jitter phenomenon, because if the cover jitter will make the sensor installed on the jitter, resulting in sensor misoperation, the door leaves non-stop switch.
Three, automatic door operation is not smooth solution
The sling pulley 1, door for long time operation and has some wear, such as the emergence of a slight wear, can make a clean up the rail and the pulley (rail dust clean); can also add a little oil to the pulley bearing, but please be careful not to automatic door track and the pulley surface to add lubricating oil, add oil for more easily after the track stick on the dust, so that the pulley damage faster; lifting pulley and prone to slipping phenomenon occurs, the door of.
2, check the automatic door hardware sling, such as part of the sling connector loose phenomenon, only need to re reinforcement on the line.
3, check the bottom of the door wheel (shimmy), if there is loose or damage will occur loud sound, please reinforce or replace.
Four, automatic door induction slow solution
1. The detection range of the inductor is small, and the detection range of the inductor is adjusted.
2, the sensor has dust inside, only need to clean the sensor.
3, the sensor is damaged, replace the inductor.


  1. 佑红智能科技有限公司
  2. 咨询热线:13313028229

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