1) when installing, the installer must be asked to check the door body and only allow the well - balanced door to be installed. Otherwise, it may cause serious consequences.

2) when the door body is running, people or objects are strictly prohibited from passing under the door body or under the door body.

3) it is forbidden to operate the remote control in the place where the operation of the door can not be seen, so as not to cause a safety accident or a mistake in the garage door.

4) the end of the horizontal guideway on both sides of the door should be equipped with a mechanical limit device to prevent the sliding out of the body.

Note: if there is no side door in your garage door, be sure to install a set of fast unlocking devices so that the door body can be opened manually from the outside.


  1. 佑红智能科技有限公司
  2. 咨询热线:13313028229

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